Some time ago, in the midst of the local real estate meltdown (2010), I had the very good fortune to have Regina list my townhouse in the Palisades Highlands. Demonstrating her extensive professional expertise, marketing skill, intimate knowledge of the marketplace and consummate sales skills, Regina deftly prepared the property (including detailed ‘staging’ done by a recommendation of Regina), hosted brilliant open houses, priced it competitively and shrewdly (I wanted to sell the property within a reasonable time frame, not watch it slowly go stale in a sluggish market) and followed up with potential buyers and their agents. The result: two all-cash offers, over asking, in less than a week — in a market that was deeply in the doldrums! I could not have been more pleased with Regina’s performance, her unflagging patience and her optimism. She made what for could very well have been a challenging, trying experience in a lucrative and satisfying one!